Last week we carted ourselves off to Shah Alam to surprise another UKM Wondergirl for her birthday. Seri has unfortunately had to defer this semester of her Masters due to some personal problems so we have missed having her around. She's currently working at a KFC in Shah Alam.
We braved the heavy downpour and ended up at SACC Mall, Shah Alam. Our destination? Nandos! As usual we split up to secretly buy a birthday cake and I was left to distract the birthday girl. So we decided to order for everyone:
- Nandos Starter
- Nandos Platter (sorry I don't remember the real names..hehe)
Anyway, the Nandos Platter is 1 WHOLE chicken (flavour mild peri-peri), 2 bowls of rice, 1 bowl of coleslaw, 1 bowl of salad and 1 bowl of potato chips. The starter had chicken wings, chicken sausages, chicken kebab and pita bread with a special peri-peri dip. I loved the chicken, it was juicy and full of flavour (I seriously prefer Nandos over Kenny Rogers) and the servings were more than enough. All the add-ons were really good especially the chips (I love big fat chips) and coleslaw. The chicken sausages were slightly spicy and superb. I think mild peri-peri was just the right level of heat for all of us. The ONLY thing I'm not to fond of at Nandos is the peri-peri sauce (so weird since it's their signature feature). Don't get me wrong, I love it as a marinate for the chicken, I just need the old fashion chilli sauce to dip!
The girls also bought 3 different cheesecakes instead of a birthday cake for Seri. Black Forest Cheesecake, Butterscotch Pecan Cheesecake and Chocolate Fudge Cheesecake. As you all know I'm not a fan of cheesecake but the girls assured me that all were awesome especially the chocolate one.
I wish Seri all the best and Happy Birthday. I hope that she will overcome all adversities (last week her newly bought laptop was stolen by one of her housemates! -unfortunately she couldn't prove it). She is a wonderful daughter and an amazing eldest sister to her siblings, I pray that Allah makes the road easier for her.
For the first time, my Alexa Ranking has made it below 1 million (hooray! Lower is better right?) and PR is at 1 (despite the wonky widget that occasionally shows it at 0). I sincerely think that blogwalking is a major part of it. Thanks to Y@d@m for giving me this BW award. (for the proper way to recieve this award please refer her blog).
I would like to pass this award to all the wonderful blogwalkers who visit and read my blog everyday. So, if you were nice enough to read until the end, I present YOU with this award. Yes, YOU! Thank you.

Hey you've changed the look of your blog! :) Happy belated birthday to your friend, Seri!
Farah: hehe.. one of my friends told me that the old template takes too long to load.. I decided that I'm a simple girl anyway.. plus it's satisfying to see things all neatly boxed like this ..
sdapnye makan2...
nak gak!!!
heheheh~~~ :P
Eh,..template baru! template baru!
wah,..bestnya ALexa ranking dah naik. Tapi, PR tu ape ye? Page Rank? Macam mana tu?
makan..makan..makan.dan makan lagi...
sakit ati..!!!!
Nana & Ana: Jgn jeles2..jom makan skali
Nia: hehe.. saje nak tukar angin :) PR tu Page rank (yg google nyer).. kita pun tak sure camne.. yg tahu lagi besar no lagi bagus (altho tak pernah jumpa blog yg lebih dr 3) .. 1 tu pun kira ok esp for a new blog :)
Haven't been to Nandos, like forever =[
CEd!!! wahhh bright interface this time i like! i like! making me happier :D
anyways, I just pass the Creative Blog Award u gave us :) thank so again for that - we truly appreciate it. and sorry for taking a while to pass it :)
Aduh..bikin perut berkeroncong time puasa..huhu
Khairunissa & Kniedaz: Oops ..sorry ..hehe..jgn sedih2 ..
Allergyc: hehe.. just wanted something simpler .. u know me..
sokay .. bagus2 .. be prepared for another one .. *wink
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