The new ME! I can drive!
There was a young lady not long ago,
Who was so sad and full of woe,
So many places beckoned from afar,
Alas she could not even drive a car,
"All the drivers out there on the street,
Are the worst that you could ever meet,
I cannot survive in such a world,
I'm just too scared if truth be told."
So day by day she remained as such,
Because conquering her fear proved just too much,
Her liscence gathered dust year by year,
Yet still she could not overcome her fear,
Until one day she was forced to take the wheel,
And brave the roads with nerves of steel,
So many obstacles paved the way,
But she persevered until today,
Now quite a skilled and wonderful driver is she,
(By now you'd guessed that the girl is me),
Now zooming off in my shiny Stream,
I'm driving off to chase my dream!
PS: I got my liscence in 1998, I have only been driving for around 1 year.
This is an entry for:
Amazing prizes are sponsored by these amazing people:
- Triple Colour Life
- Loving
- Nabila House
- Khazis Boutique
- The Green Pocket
- Zara Shoppe
- HoneyB

Salam Hidayah.Noted with thanks. Good Luck!
new template? very nice
Hanz: thanks :)
smallkucing: yup yup..hope it's faster to load too :)
good luck my dear!
Nia: thanks :)
congrats on Hanz GA. menang gak kite kan!
congrats hidayah.
menang GA hanz ni...
aida dpt lesen end of 1995.
but pegang stereng and drive hanya pada april 2002!!!
abah hanya renew kat lesen every year.
dipaksa oleh parents drive kta abah gi keje instead of naik bas!!!
takut nak drive. menggigil!!!
now no more.
mana jer, cakap... akan ku bawa mu pergi :-D
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