Thanks to Allergyc and Fizee for this beautiful and "interesting award". They are also really interesting people.. check them out here!
This is what I'm supposed to do:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award. DONE! [Muahs!]
2. Pass this to 10/20/30/ all bloggers you have recently discovered. (Hmm.. I think I will pass this award to 3 REALLY interesting blogs that I like..hehe.. rules are made to be bent)
In no particular order:
- NanaJoe's blog Story by the Pinky Lover: She's a newbie too but you would never have guessed from her amazing blog. She also has help from this famous guy (Guess who?). Hmm.. I still have yet to ask why? ;)

- Farah Yusri's beautiful photoblog FYMSO: Another amazing and gorgeous photoblog I love in addition to fiziskandarZ & Chybee. Not only are the pics superb, she also does these really cute cartoons :)

- Jason's blog Rawwwr!: Eventhough he thinks I'm an ancient old lady of 30 (!), I still enjoy his humorous mixture of sarcasm and wit. Guess age is only a number. Hey, I was 17 once too!
3. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won this award. DONE!
4. State 7 things about yourself.
- I only eat Assam Laksa flavoured Maggi but I don't eat real Laksa.
- I don't have any UPSR reuslts.
- I have an intense fear of public speaking but used to be a state level debater.
- When I watch tv or read a book.. I can't hear people calling me.
- I had my driving liscence for 10 years before actually driving.
- I am a terrible speller.
- Despite everything, I still believe in "Happily ever after"

Aw, thanks so much!! Will try my best to get it done soon :) Tq tq!
Farah: You're welcome .. I love your blog :)
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