"CUTE: Ugly but adorable"
- Urban dictionary
- Urban dictionary
Hehe.. I remember that definition from school. Personally I think I also agree with another definition too.
~Thanks to Kitatauke for giving me this CUTE award.~
Comes with a few questions though (translated)
1. Write an entry about this award: DONE
2. Your efforts to make your blog more cheerful: Lots of pictures! Colourful template. Good posts and learning from others (oldies and newbies).
3.List 5 words to describe yourself: CUTE (hehe), BOOKWORM, HUNGRY, DREAMER, HOPEFUL
4.Tag friends who deserve this award. (I chose these 3 really cute people with cute blogs)

Just to let everyone know, Nia is holding a LUCKY DRAW at her blog. Go try your luck :) I'm definitely going to enter.

mmg comey da..
gambar tu pon ckop membuktikan!~ :P
thanks for this award :D
Nana: hehe..gambar mana yg comel? Hamzah ..confirm comey nya...
Sera: You're welcome.. :)
huhu,..u make me sobs..terharu babe!
thanks ya!
i baru perasan u buat giveaway jgk (saya memang blur orgnya)padahal dah besar2 letak gambar handsome boy kat situ, dont worry. tunggu entry i jugak!insya Allah.
Nia: hehe.. sbb besar sgt org ingatkan hiasan kot, jom! jom!.. will enter yours.. ada special gift tak?
sorry2. chybee baru sedar ade award utk chybee. thanks a lot yeah! hehe...will do it when i have time :)
chybee: no problem :)
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