I am stuffed. Seriously full to the maximum capacity. Since the 2 main people who don't eat lamb were absent today, we decided to go to the place where LAMB reigns supreme. Al-Rawsha.
The first time I went to Al-Rawsha afriend told me that it was very easy to find, just lookout for alot of Bangladeshis standing or squatting around (lepak'ing'). The Bangladesh High Commision is situated next door to this restaurant. Today, this adage held true because as we were parking our car, we had to be careful not to hit the numerous Bangaldesh nationals who seemingly had no concern for their life or limb.
By the time we had ordered I was famished. My hands were literally shaking due to hunger (okay, I exgerrate a little). Our menu for today:
- Chicken Kabsa
- Lamb Mandy
- Lamb Kebab
I told you it was a lamb haven. As usual, when the food arrived it seemed an almost impposible task that 4 slight (hehe..well, none of us are VERY big) girls would be able to finish such a feast. But we must have bottomless pits for stomachs because in the end all that was left were empty plates. The Lamb Mandy and Lamb Kebab were exquisite. Served with a yogurt-like dip and some weak curry. I didn't care much for the Chicken Kabsa (we ordered it because Maz wasn't as crazy about lamb as the rest of us).
Zil and Sharlina ordered Strawberry and Apple Barbican. For the unitiated, this is a non-alcoholic malt beverage that is popularly consumed in the middle east. Best served chilled. Personally, I'm not a fan because for me, it is far too fizzy and mostly tastes like a bland Zapple with the other chosen flavours thrown in. There are quite a selection to choose from; apple, strawberry, pinapple, raspberry, lemon..I forgot the rest. I guess people who love fizzy drinks should try it.
Restaurant name and location:
Al- Rawsha , Jalan Damai, Ampang
Best thing about the restaurant:
Worst thing about the restaurant:
The service is a bit slow. Roadside parking. Too many Bangladesh men sitting by the roadside outside (a bit intimidating).
Rating: All things Lamb related 4.5/5 Overall: 3.5/5

aiyo...if like that I dare not go la
smallkucing: like that? hehe.. no lah ..it's not that bad.. you get used to all those people outside and they mind their own business without bothering any of the customers..
The food is nice.. if you like lamb .. u should give it a try.. it's better at night.. but a bit more packed.. and no people standing abt
yes... i like this place too... the lamb is super...why tak ajak dayah....pick me la...
lina: hehe.. I didn't know you liked lamb.. zil says Castle's is also nice.. maybe will try there too next time...
wow,bestnye ! lagi-lagi chicken kabsa tuh,yummy~ :)
i'm a HUGE fan of kebab too! hey CEd, i got a request :) any chance we got see some art sketches from your daddy cool in this blog? pretty pretty please!!
p/s: gazillion thanx for returning the award! [ macam pinjam buku kat PSI la pulak kena pulang2 hoho ]
Encik Tikus: hehe..mmg sedap.. tapi kita tak minat sgt Chicken tu .. sbb giler makan kambing
Allergyc: Ooo.. that one I will have to work on.. will see if I can...
You're welcome totally deserve it.. (I was PPSI VP ..hehe)
Raswha dah tak sedap macam dulu la. They serve smaller portions of rice and lamb. Went there 3 weeks ago.
For my lamb fix, I go to Saba' restaurant in Cyberjaya. Dont go to the Setiawangsa one, their Kabsah is very dry.
Kimin: I dunno if I can finish a BIGGER portion.. probably not as amazing as it used to be.. but still quite good... cyberjaya is too far for us to have lunch
i am ABSOLUTELY a mandy FREAK!!!!!! masa awal2 sampai dubai, i makan EVERY WEEK! :P
how much is the kabsha per plate?
Syigim: I was born to live in Dubai..ahaha..
Kak Asmahani: The kabsha is RM 15 per plate.. the mandy is RM22 ...
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