Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aishah's the zig-zagging princess

Last Saturday was the IIUM Educare's Sports Day (Childcare edition). Aishah was so excited about it because she was involved with the performance and taking part in the zig-zagging race.

She had been practicing the performance at home all month. Singing a song I could not for the life of me make heads or tails of! What was even more exciting was that she had graduated from the Chicken Dance to this new one. I was excited to see the actual performance.

So Yousof and I went as her personal cheerleaders, Hamzah had to stay home because I really couldn't look after him in that hot, stuffy, noisy and crowded sports complex.

~Waiting to perform~

The thing about Aishah is, she's outgoing and brave (compared to Yousof who tends to be more timid). So, immediately after arriving we sent her to sit in the children's waiting area. I saw many parents who had to sit with their children there, but Aishah just gave us a smile and wave. Yousof and I went upstairs to the grandstand balcony to get a better view.

~Yousof, her biggest supporter~

The performance was sweet but a bit of a mess because half the kids refused to dance at all, 2 cried so hard that they had to be taken out during the performance and almost everyone stepped out of their markers. Hehe, what do you expect from 2-3 year olds? I am proud to say that Aishah danced ever single step and actually looked like she was having fun doing it!

~Anyone know this song? Acoustics was bad so I still don't know~

Her zig-zag race was the last one of the day. She had been running zig-zag all over the house (I'm not sure she remembers how to run in a straight line anymore). She had previously confided in us
"Ummi, Auni kan (her friend) tak reti lari zig-zag, dia KURUS ajer."
"Bukan KURUS lah Aishah, LU-RUS" says Yousof. Hehe.

~Zig-zag zoom~

She actually won 3rd place (as one of the judges was desperately trying to tell the others) but as usual amongst the chaos, the teacher in charge of spotting who was No 3 managed to award the prize to someone else. I didn't make a fuss. Wouldn't be very nice to take back the prize from another kid, right? Anyway, numbers 4-10 get a medal for participating (1-3 get small trophies).

~A winner~

Aishah didn't care (probably due to the fact that she doesn't quite understand yet). She loved her prize. This is Aishah when she competes with Yousof.

"Yeay! Yousof MENANG!" shouts Yousof.
"Yeay! Aishah KALAH!" shouts Aishah (equally as happy).

~She's only just learning~


I'm planning something new and big. Can't wait to share it with all of you.


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