Last Saturday we set off to Semenyih to see some rabbits. The kids were super-excited and had been looking forward to it all week.
When we arrived, I was a bit skeptical, it didn't look like it was very well set up. Entrance fee was RM5 per person (children under 2 years old enter for free). However, there was no shortage of free hopping bunnies to keep the kids entertained. They had an awesome time chasing after the rabbits who were co-operative enough to stay quite still until the very last minute. Even though they didn't manage to catch any rabbits, they had a fun time trying.
There were other animals there too in little pens, goats, deer, cows, ponies and monkeys. The PA system blasted with non-stop love ballads. Listening to "Endless love, How do I, For the rest of my life, Nothing's gonna change my love for you" at full volume was really tugging at my hearts-strings and melancholic mood. I actually broke down in tears in front of the monkeys. Watching the poor little creatures tied by collars with short chains was enough of a trigger to start the waterworks flowing.
All in all it was a good trip. The rabbits were so cute. They sold rabbit satay there too but I couldn't bear to eat any (plus the HALAL sign was not the official JAKIM one). Oh, beware of the biggest trap of all, rabbit pens at RM5 each (of course, I had no choice but to but 3).
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Mawi & Zafirah |
Dari setinggi & seluas kasih sayangMu, Kau limpahkan rahmat jua keampunanMu kepada pengantin suami isteri. Sesungguhnya pertemuan ini adalah dengan izinMu, kurniakanlah keduanya ketenangan, kebahagiaan & jiwa yang tabah mengahadapi setiap dugaanMu. Mudah2an perkongsian hidup yang dibina berkekalan hingga ke akhir usia & kurniakanlah kepada mereka zuriat yg soleh dah solehah. Dengan taufik dan hidayahMu beruntunglah kedua2nya dalam kehidupan di dunia dan lebih2 lagi di akhirat.