Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Happy New Year! Am hoping that the new year will be much better than the last. Just a little mention of a small new project I decided to (try) do this year. Inspired by my twitter/Instagram friend Khalilah, I decided to embark on #366photoproject. Basically, it's taking a photo a day for the whole year. Since I started tweeting/Instagramming, I 've enjoyed snapping pictures of my everyday life. So, here are the 1st 3 days of the year. 

My father, my hero
Just looking

Last day of just being a kid

My photos will not be of breathtaking scenery in a foreign country nor will they be beautiful artsy expressions to contemplate, they will simply be a reflection of my everyday life.

Anyone care to join me ?

PS: Daily #366photoposts on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook, I will only post weekly summaries on this blog :)


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