Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taaruf Week: New beginnings and old memories

The Taaruf attire is still as unflattering as ever, a shade of brown that isn't quite brown or orange or bronze. But then it's been that way since the beginning of time, the only nice Taaruf colours are the ones the committee have on (a nice bright blue one this year). I see them walking in groups, with that somewhat lost expression on their faces, the Kuantan campus does seem vast and somewhat intimidating despite its beauty, even to me. 

I was one of them once not so long ago (okay, who am I kidding? It was aeons ago). I remember exactly how it felt finally stepping into medical school. Of course, back then it was a different and less impressive campus (Jalan Hospital Campus) but the feelings were most assuredly the same. The sense of trepidation mixed in with anticipation and spiced up with a tiny dash of hope interspersed with fear. 
I knew, as they all know, that life ...would never be the same again.


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