Today the TLC (Trainee Lecturers Clubhouse hehe) held a potluck/farewell for our friend Fadhilah (a.k.a. DB) who will be flying off to Reading University to pursue her PhD after Election Day.
I could sit here and tell you about the amazing food that everybody brought ...but I won't.
Or tell you all the stuff that we talked about ...but I won't.
What I will do instead is say.. some friendships last forever and this, Insya Allah, is one of those.
TLC ladies (from left Kak Aniza, Kak Jula, May, Kak Raihan, Huda, DB, me, Shikin, Baiyah & Karimah) |
Alhamdulillah |
Happy! |
Amazing Nasi Briyani & Ayam Kak Ros(mah) erk! By DB |
Peace! |
Bocor! |
Watching the presentation |
No LCD so our farewell presentation was only on my laptop hehe |
Our little yellow birdie present hehe |
Funny! |
DB giving her speech in tears ..everyone was also crying |
Sob sob sob |
My personal farewell message to DB (on the presentation)
We will miss you DB but Insya Allah we will always stay in touch, who knows.. we might just come and visit you over there :) |